A Well-Dressed Loom (May 2024)
Saturday, May 4, 2024
Instructor: Phyllis Fredendall
Class fee: $50
Registration closes May 1 or when sold out
Plan, prepare and start a weaving project in this four-hour session. You will wind a narrow warp and successfully dress a four-shaft table loom start to finish. This is a good refresher for lapsed or dormant weavers or an excellent introduction to weaving for beginners preparing for the upcoming ryijy workshop in June with Lisa Wiitala. After the workshop you will be able to weave a set of mug-rugs in open studio sessions on the loom you dressed. This workshop is open to students ages 15 and up. All students should bring a pair of scissors, reading glasses if you need them, and a sharp pencil. Workshop fee includes all other materials.