"The Salmon Lords" Take Over the Deatnu/the Tana River: English angling 1850-1900
The first English anglers looking for good salmon fishing began arriving in Norway around 1830. It was these anglers who brought fly fishing to Norwegian rivers, also to Deatnu/Tana. Called «salmon lords» by the Norwegians, they belonged to the British upper classes. Some were bona fide members of the nobility, some bore the title of «baron» while others were higher military officers. Common to all of them was a certain level of wealth that freed them from the cares of making a living. At this time the British Empire was at the peak of its power and a whole retinue of servants came along as part of the traveling party across the North Sea.
CálliidLágádus, 2011
Paperback, 32 pages, 8.5 x 9.5 in