Isle Royale: A Photographic History
Prior to the establishment of Isle Royale national Park in 1940, the island's history included exploration and mining for copper, thriving commercial fisheries, and a tourism industry comprised of several resorts and summer communities that flourished in the first part of this century. Isle Royale also has a rich history of ships, lighthouses, and shipwrecks.
From thousands of old photographs that are a part of the historical record of Isle Royale, the authors of this book have created an album that vividly tells the island's history and the stories of the people who worked and played here.
Many of the 150 photographs in this book - taken from 1868 to 1951 - have never appeared in print, presented here through the generosity of many island families and institutional archives across the country. Isle Royale, A Photographic History brings alive a vanished part of the island's past.
Isle Royale Natural History Association, 1995
paperback, 149 pages, 150 photographs, 11 x 8.5